and decided to spend a few days away from facebook. my intent was only to spend three days
away. just enough to clear my head and
focus on more important things over the weekend. but the longer i was away from it, the more i
realized I don’t need it. i’m not even
sure that i want it anymore.
before stepping away, i set up facebook to notify me of
friend requests, tagged photos of me, private messages and any activity in the
private groups i belong to. this way i can
take care of any business that applies to me, hopefully without facing the
temptation of browsing facebook for hours seeing all that is going on with all
of my “friends”. i’m hoping this
arrangement works out for me. this weekend
i realized these things:
i am ten million times more productive without facebook. i actually had wide open blocks of time this weekend with nothing to do. my kids were playing quietly. i was caught up on my planned chores. i finished a reading novel. and there were still a few hours before bedtime. how could this be? normally i feel like i am just. so. busy. but now I think that was a lie. i have a feeling i was just spending way too much time online.
- my mind is more relaxed when it’s not filled with “junk”. status updates are often like clutter. or i guess it’s like reading a people or us magazine. it’s not information that is relevant to my life so why do i spend so much time sucking it in? by not scrolling through status updates multiple times throughout the day, i had more room in my brain to focus on the important things. i was even able to practice yoga yesterday evening and calmly rest in savasana for five minutes. (that’s normally impossible for me.)
- one of the reasons I have been considering leaving facebook is because i’ve realized i can be really critical and judgmental (just being totally honest here). i hate this about myself and know it has got to stop. but facebook can be a breeding ground for criticizing and judging others. if I’m not reading status updates 24/7, the opportunity to constantly judge and criticize other people’s actions isn’t there.
so I’m still a little worried that I’m missing out. and I’m still craving the distraction
facebook provides when i don’t want to deal with real life (something else i need
to work on…!). but overall, i think
being apart from facebook may be life changing for me. sure that sounds dramatic, but i’m pretty
sure it’s true. i’ll have to provide an
update in a month or two to see how things are going. i really think i’m going to try to stay as
far away from facebook as possible going forward. at least until my kids are old enough to
join, although i’m hoping by then facebook will no longer exist!